A project to accelerate the inclusion of women in STEM

We have developed a concept and a methodology to accelerate the change in having more girls and women in STEM

STEM WOMEN Association is an international institution who works to promote and generate a vocation in the female talent for STEM  and achieve the elimination of gender biases that exist in these sectors. We currently have the support of 4,000 STEM women throughout Spain.

STEM WOMEN CONGRESS (SWC) is a big event who works especially to make STEM women visible and to increase the diversity in the STEM companies. Is also the space where the results of the Annual Report are presented. With this report we highlight the gaps in the market to accelerate the change for having more girls and women in STEM. 

The Global STEM WOMEN is a project to increase equal opportunities and gender diversity in the STEM sectors (Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths). We are a global initiative born in 2019 in Barcelona who works especially to make STEM women visible, promote and generate a vocation in this type of professions and achieve the elimination of gender biases in these sectors. ​

​We believe that the economic and social progress of the future involves technological transformation in all areas of every country. In the coming years this STEM profiles will be much more in demand and we want to contribute to solving this challenge.

There are several factors that discourage young people, specially girls and women, from choosing this type of career: social, cultural, informational, and we want to help them know that they are also an option.

We cannot afford to lose any resources of our population. The challenges that our planet and our society must face require all the talent possible. Diversity is essential to address and succeed in solutions to the problems of the future. ​

Therefore, we focus on: ​

  • Promote STEM​ and make new role models visible​
  • Create a STEM hub, supporting and connecting initiatives, programs and agents that already work with the same goal: to bring more girls and women in STEM.​
  • Measure the impact of all the initiatives with the STEM WOMEN Annual Report in each country to have a global vision to detect the gaps.
  • In addition, we help to create new actions to cover those gaps that no one is working on yet. ​

We Measure

We Give Visibility

We Co-Create

We Connect

Chapters and Team

To be global we need to add all the diversity of our local communities. For that reason we are opening chapters in every country who wish to be part of this global network. Because together we can achieve more. Currently we have chapters in Canada, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Colombia and Brasil. Every chapter has a president, an executive board, a board of local Ambassadors in every region of the country, and finally a network of STEM women, companies, government and volunteers who help us to develop the plans and actions for fighting low representation and visibility of women in STEM careers.








Open a Chapter

If you are interested in opening a Chapter of the GLOBAL STEM WOMEN in your country please don’t hesitate to contact us. We will be delighted to chat with you to find new sinergies.