STEM Women Directory

Cristina Montserrat Rodríguez

Knowledge Area



Forest Engineering


Spanish and Catalan.

Geographic Scope

Girona, Catalonia
She has participated in talks for the University of Lleida about STEAM, among other talks to schools and universities.


She has been a businesswoman for more than 10 years promoting the creation of synergies between forests, society, forest property and administrations. Currently, she is a Forestry Engineer and the founder-director of the company Entrearbres S.L.P.U., a forestry and environmental engineering consultancy.

She started in 2013 as a self-employed professional under the business name “entrearbres”. In 2018 she decided to go one step further and establish Entrearbres SLPU. Currently, the headquarters is in Girona, they work throughout Catalonia and have begun to work in other Autonomous Communities. She has a team of 6 people and they are growing!

She is passionate about everything that has to do with the activity and promotion of the profession of Engineer @ de Montes. Therefore, it is a pleasure for her to be the Dean of the College of Forestry Engineers in Catalonia since 2021, disseminating and defending this beautiful profession.

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