Graduated in Law from the Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona (2002)
Graduate in Humanities from the Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona (2012)
Practicing lawyer of the Illustrious Bar Association of Barcelona. Member of the Association of Women Jurists Themis; SCAF (Catalan Society of Family Lawyers) and the Family and Law Platform.
Postgraduate degrees and specific legal training courses: Diploma of Legal Practice at the Illustrious College of Lawyers of Barcelona (2005-2006), Legal Specialization Courses in the Jurisdiction of Juveniles at the Illustrious College of Lawyers of Barcelona (2007) and in the Illustrious College of Lawyers of Valencia (2007), Specialization Course on violence against women at the Illustrious College of Lawyers of Barcelona (2007), Course on Legal and Forensic Medicine in Traffic Accidents at the Illustrious College of Lawyers of Barcelona (2008), Course on Execution of Resolutions dictated in family proceedings at the Illustrious College of Lawyers of Barcelona (2011), Civil Course on Minors: measures for the protection of minors at the Illustrious College of Lawyers of Barcelona ( 2011), Master in Labor Law 2011-2012 at the Illustrious Bar Association of Barcelona, Master in Family Law 2014-2015 at the Illustrious Bar Association of Barcelona, Master in Information Society Law. Specialization in Digital Law and Audits in data protection and technological environments (2016-2017) at the Illustrious Bar Association of Barcelona; Seminar on “Cyberbullying, Sexting and Sextortion” by the Academy of European Law.
Bullying specialist. She collaborates with associations specialized in this matter such as, for example: SOS BULLYING.
Speaker at seminars and symposiums: Conference against Workplace Harassment: “Recognize it and Defend Yourself” on November 8, 2007; Conference “Parlem de la Violencia en el Treball: tractament jurídic” on April 1, 2009; Day against Workplace Harassment on the occasion of the 5th Anniversary of the Stop Mobbing Association; Matí Digital: Menors i Xarxes Socials (March 29, 2019) at the Illustrious Bar Association of Barcelona; II Legal Psychology Conference (School Bullying, legal and psychological perspective) on September 20 and 21, 2019 in Santander (College of Psychology of Cantabria), I TEI International Congress at the Palacio de la Magdalena (Santander) on May 9, 2021, II Education Conference (Santander, Cantabria) on February 18 and 19, 2022, “Empantallats l’impacte de les TRIC en infancy” by UNICEF Catalunya at the College of Journalists of Catalonia (April 28, 2022), “Environments safe digital devices for children and adolescents. Challenges and good practices for the healthy use of ICT” at CaixaForum Macaya co-organized with El Observatorio Social and Save The Children (March 28, 2023).
Coordinator of different conferences: I International Congress on School Violence at the University of Almería (November 2007), II International Congress on School Coexistence at the University of Almería (March 2010) and III International Congress on School Coexistence at the University of Almería (May 2013) and IV International Congress of Coexistence at the University of Almería (November 2016), XXX International Congress of Psychology and Education at the Faculty of Zaragoza (Prevention and Intervention Symposium against bullying) on November 12 of 2021.