STEM WOMEN CONGRESS, the women’s empowerment congress in the technological world, has landed in Madrid with great participation success. More than 500 people have attended in person and around 100 have followed it online. Without a doubt, a very good reception for what has been the first edition held in Madrid, after five editions of growth in Barcelona.
The event has hosted prominent personalities from the STEM field and internationally renowned companies. At the same time, the conclusions of the fourth Annual Report have been presented, a study that analyzes the STEM initiatives carried out during the year 2022, and the STEM Awards have been presented to projects that break inequality and gender stereotypes in the world. sector.
The Minister of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, Raquel Sánchez, was in charge of closing the event and did so by vindicating the role of women to continue advancing in society. Regarding this fight, Sánchez said “There are reasons to be optimistic but also to be alert and cautious. We must continue to champion the defense of a more just society where women do not find barriers to devoting themselves to STEM careers.”
During the SWC, the SWC Annual Report 2023 was presented, which last year already revealed that we are only impacting 1% of the population of Spanish girls. This study is carried out through the compilation of data from all the initiatives detected in Spain that quantify their actions, which allows us to have an x-ray of the existing initiatives and classify them by segment (inspiration, career and entrepreneurship), and by data ( age, territories, types of activity, etc.), revealing the gaps where we must act.
Regarding the annual report, the organization has made a demand for not leaving Baccalaureate girls without the support of initiatives, whatever the itinerary they decide. “Let’s give names and surnames to the communities of women that actively energize activities in favor of diversity, they are initiatives that impact society and must be measured. We need this data to set objectives, activate and measure our progress.”
SWC has the support of Spanish and European institutions. Personalities such as Minister Raquel Sánchez, and others such as Mercedes Marín García, General Director of Bilingualism and Teaching Quality of the Community of Madrid, in charge of opening the event, have participated in the Madrid edition. Other personalities have also participated such as Silvia Roldán, CEO of Metro de Madrid, Elena Salgado, President of the ABERTIS Foundation or María Luisa Domínguez, President of Adif and Adif AV.
The congress had a prestigious panel with national and international professionals. Among them, it is worth highlighting the first female director of a Moto3 team, Aurora Angelucci, who came from Rome expressly for the occasion or Lucía Sixto, media manager of the European Patent Office who has presented the patent report of the European Patent Office that reveals that 13.2% of inventors in Europe are women. Furthermore, it highlights that, although the rate of female inventors in Europe has been increasing in recent decades (from only 2% at the end of the decade from 1970 to 13.2% in 2019), a strong gender gap continues to exist. María Seoane, THEAD System Project Director will explain a programming system for people with different disabilities.
Throughout the morning, more than 40 leading professionals have passed on stage, with whose example and experience we want to inspire society to achieve a world of equal opportunities between men and women in the STEM sector. In addition, SWC wants to create a joint action plan, among all institutions and organizations that support the STEM field and the women’s field.
Emma Vallespinós, periodista
Roberto Torija, periodista
Eva Díaz, CEO SWC
Mercedes Marín García, Directora General de Bilingüismo y Calidad de la Enseñanza. Comunidad de Madrid
Susana Cabos, Customer Satisfaction&Quality Director Schneider y executive board del SWC
Mar Porras, Marketing Manager Ricoh y executive board del SWC
Esther Izquierdo, directora innovación ARCbcn y executive board del SWC
Ana Miguel, Ingeniera de planificación en el departamento de control de proyecto Heymo Ingeniería Grupo TR y ambassador STEM en Madrid
Oscar Codón, Director General Fundación Capgemini
Miriam Barajas, Chief Communications Officer Magenta People y ambassador STEM en Madrid
Carolina Díaz, EMEA ACS GenO Program Manager para Oracle Advanced Costumer Services y ambassador STEM en Madrid
Natalia Latorre, Directora General de Transición Energética de Enagás
D. Francisco Javier Jiménez Leube, Vicerrector de Comunicación y Relaciones Institucionales de la UPM
Carme Pellicero, General Manager Quantion
Susana Pastor, Global IT Barcelona Hub Manager at Nestlé
Fran López, Consejero Delegado de Grupo Gaselec y Vicepresidente de ASEME
Silvia Roldán, Consejera Delegada Metro de Madrid
Natalia Escobedo, Executive Director – Public Sector Lead at Microsoft
Rocío García, Responsable del grupo local de Women in aerospace Europe en Madrid y Senior Project Manager Thales Alenia Space España
Mónica Muñoz, Presidenta WIM Spain
Marta Balenciaga, Decana-Presidente del Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación y Presidenta de la Asociación Española de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación
Belén Gancedo, Regional Vice President Sales, Education EMEA at Salesforce
Lara González, representante del equipo SCOUTSTEAM de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad de Oviedo
Paula Lima, representante del equipo SCOUTSTEAM de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad de Oviedo
Celiana Carreño, VP de Tecnología & Head of Product Europe Globant y ambassador STEM en Madrid
Trinity College Boadilla
Caso 1 – Mar Porras, Marketing Manager Ricoh
Caso 2 – Judit Garcia, Directora de RRHH de TMB
Caso 3 – Eduvigis Ortiz, Strategic Alliances Leader SAS / Founder & President Women4Cyber Spain
11:00 h TALKS
La magia de hacer desaparecer el plástico
Federica Bertocchini, Principal Investigator and Research Director at Plasticentropy
¿Un smartphone con ruedas?
Anna Sánchez, CIO y miembro del Comité Ejecutivo de Volkswagen Group España Distribución
STEM inclusivas: yo puedo, tú puedes
María Seoane, Directora de Proyectos Sistema THEAD
Roger Olivella, Sistema THEAD
12:00 h TALKS La mirada femenina
Ingenieras en Moto3
Aurora Angelucci, CEO & Founder Angeluss Women in Motorsport
La seguridad vial desde el punto de vista de la mujer
Cristina Zamorano, Jefa del Centro de Seguridad Vial en Autopistas – Abertis
La movilidad es femenino.
Sostenible, vertebradora y multimodal
María Luisa Domínguez, Presidenta de Adif y Adif AV
Innovación, patentes y género
Luis Berenguer, Principal Director communication at the European Patent Office
Elena Salgado, Presidenta Fundación ABERTIS
David Soto,Presidente Kyndryl España y Portugal
Fina Lladós, General Manager Iberia AMGEN
Susana Toril, Directora de Personas y Diversidad de Enagás
Joana Barbany, Technology Business Development Director Michael Page
Lourdes Mercadal, Directora de Transformación de CaixaBank Tech
Lectura del acta
Amaya Lizaur, Adjunta Dirección General Powereys y ambassador STEM en Madrid
Entrega de premios
Elsa Giménez, CEO KitCo for Personal Development y executive board del SWC
Clara Lapiedra, CEO de Aula Magna Business School y executive board del SWC
Carol Romay, Consultora freelance y executive board del SWC
14:00 h CLAUSURA
Raquel Sánchez, Ministra de Transportes, Movilidad y Agenda Urbana Gobierno de España
14:15 – 15:30 h NETWORKING