The first day of the STEM Women Congress (SWC), which has more than 400 registered for the two days, has presented the conclusions of the Annual Report 2020, a study that analyzes the STEM initiatives carried out during 2020. The first day of the SWC focused on the initiatives developed to promote STEM at different stages, from school to entrepreneurship, including higher education. The first day was held in digital format and was broadcast by the Department of Digital Policies and Public Administration.
For the third consecutive year, the STEM Women Congress makes female talent visible and promotes, as well as being a springboard to inspire women to enter the world of science. Under the premise of promoting female empowerment in the STEM fields (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), as well as the presence of women in management positions, the first day of the SWC has hosted prominent personalities from the STEM field and internationally renowned companies who have carried out different presentations and workshops focused on the importance of initiatives that promote STEM, entrepreneurship and the impact of gender stereotypes at the earliest ages.
Carlota Sánchez, 3D Printing Spain Marketing & Communications Manager at HP, presented the general conclusions of the Annual Report, the study prepared by the STEM Women Congress team with the aim of knowing the totality of the impacts generated by STEM initiatives.
“The Annual Report 2020 is the result of a joint action promoted and carried out between several initiatives. This report allows us to have an X-ray of the activities and initiatives carried out in Spain to increase the number of women in STEM studies and professional careers”, explains Carlota Sánchez in the presentation of the study.
The Annual Report has been prepared based on a questionnaire distributed to all the STEM Women initiatives that have been identified and have wanted to participate voluntarily. The objective of the report is to know the impacts generated by the initiatives, the degree to which the initiatives impact on the Spanish population, the age groups as well as the territories where they impact. The source of funding is also analysed as well as the type of activity that is being carried out.
A main conclusion has been drawn from the study , which is that not only is there a need for a technological platform that allows the standardization of measurement data among all initiatives, but also a new measurement system is required to analyze the quality of the impact and, most importantly, its effectiveness. 84% of initiatives actively monitor them, which allows us to understand the importance of measurement to measure whether initiatives are successful. “We shouldn’t just focus on the data, but on the depth of these impacts,” says Sánchez.
The Annual Report states that 49% of the initiatives have private funding sources and that in only 35% of cases the initiative is aimed exclusively at the female sector, while 65% is aimed at both sexes. The report also details that more than 50% of the initiatives that have been part of the study were created from 2018 onwards, highlighting that the promotion of equality policies in these sectors through the SDGs may have led to this growth. In this regard, Carlota Sánchez stressed the importance of having institutional and governmental support for the development of equality policies and initiatives.
Another interesting fact is that 70% of the initiatives surveyed are interested in recruiting volunteers to promote the role of women in the STEM sector. The study confirms that, in Spain, a total of 21 initiatives during 2020 have achieved an impact of 74,858 children between 1 and 16 years old, which represents 1% of the total population.
“It is striking that there are very few initiatives for the ages of 1 to 6. It is very important to understand that many gender stereotypes are already forged during this childhood stage. If we want more women in STEM, we must start with this foundation,” reflects Carlota Sánchez.
“On the other hand, initiatives focused on women who are studying and working in STEM careers or vocational training have managed to impact 8.7% of STEM students, but only 2.85% of women who are already in the STEM professional environment. Not only do we have to get them to study STEM, but we have to dedicate them to it, so that we don’t lose them along the way.” Sánchez also stressed that “only 9% of all the STEM initiatives included in this study dedicate part of their efforts to promoting entrepreneurship among STEM women”.
Several studies have shown that there are no significant differences between men and women in terms of aptitudes to develop STEM careers, however, the gender gap is still present. For this reason, according to the Annual Report, 81% of the participating initiatives work to break gender stereotypes. In addition, the initiatives seek not only to close this gap, but 62% of the projects aim to raise awareness among families in order to put an end to this idea of gender
Finally, when comparing the initiatives by region, it can be seen that most of them come from Catalonia, the Community of Madrid and the Valencian Community. This, however, has an explanation: “it is a skewed map because the SWC study begins in Catalonia. We are sure that there are many more initiatives and we encourage that, if you know of initiatives from other autonomous communities, you send them to us so that we can see them grow in all these communities”.
Carlota Sánchez concluded the conclusions of the Annual Report by also encouraging companies and public institutions to start STEM initiatives earlier.
Workshops and debates that focus on imposed gender stereotypes
Throughout the day, different workshops, debates and round tables were held, mainly focused on gender stereotypes, the impact they have on all generations, and the future of the younger generations.
Cecilia Cuadra, Digital Marketing Manager at Ricoh Spain and Portugal, and coordinator of the initiatives focused on the professional career stage, has been in charge of presenting and initiating these workshops. “We play different roles in life. I learned that you can be a mother, a sister, a friend, a professional… and in STEM it doesn’t make a difference. What role do we play here today?” asked Cuadra.
“The goal of the SWC is to bring all these people, with all these roles, together to respond to the needs that we have. This is where the 3 workshops come from, to take action and provide answers,” explained Cecilia Cuadra.
Thus, it gave way to the debate “Looking for the initiative that will change my life”, moderated by Susanna Cabos, Global Project Quality Director at Schneider Electric, followed by the workshop “Start changing the world and measure its impact”, moderated by Cecilia Cuadra, and “Together we go further and faster”, moderated by Mar Porras, Sales Enablement Manager at Ricoh.
There were also debates on “The look of the future”, at the beginning of the day, which was attended by students from different schools, and “STEM Entrepreneurship”, with Clara Lapiedra. At the same time, various presentations and talks have been held.
Presenta: Ruth Gumbau, periodista
9:30 h Bienvenida
Joana Barbany, General Director For Digital Society
9:35 h Inauguración
Eva Diaz, CEO SWC
9:40 h Presentation Annual Report STEM WOMEN CONGRESS 2021
Carlota Sánchez, 3D Printing Spain Marketing & Communications Manager HP
09:55 TALK 1 L@s niñ@s también son STEM
Valeria Corrales, cofundadora de ValPat Steam Channel
Patricia Heredia, Ingeniera de Telecomunicaciones
Susanna Cabos, Global Project Quality Director SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC
Elsa Giménez, CEO KitCo For Personal Development
10:55 TALK 2 Grandes sueños
Cecilia Clemente, Experta en Educación Emocional/ Investigadora pre doctoral en Psicología: Comunicación y Cambio (UAB Y UB)
11:10 TALK 3 Promoting female talent in science: from BIST Global Science to the Angeleta Ferrer High School
GabbySilberman, DG BIST
11:25 TALK 4 La FP STEM
Georgina Comas, Deputy CEO TMCOMAS y Co-fundadora de COMASTECH
Cecilia Cuadra, Digital Marketing Manager Ricoh España y Portugal
Encontrar una iniciativa que me ayude a alcanzar mis objetivos profesionales y personales
Susanna Cabos, Global Project Quality Director SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC
Elsa Giménez, CEO KitCo For Personal Development
Silvia Zurita, Professora de tecnologia i del màster de professorat Coordinació del Programa Magnet i ICE de la UPC
Conchita Lobilla, Cap d’estudis Escola Samuntada (Sabadell)
Susaina Figuera, Directora de Innovación 100tífiques
Maria Luz Guenaga Gomez, InspiraSTEAM
Maria José Lodeiros, Divulgadora STEM StemTalentGirl
Cómo crear una nueva iniciativa o redirigir una ya existente y Cómo medir su impacto.
Cecilia Cuadra,Digital Marketing Manager Ricoh España y Portugal
Eli Abad, Socia i Cofundadora de BETWEEN y Fundadora BTW Women Network
Ana Lagunas, Co-founder & Data Scientist en Zoundream
Juntos llegamos más lejos, más rápido y generamos más impacto: Conectando iniciativas, empresas y voluntarios
Mar Porras, Sales Enablement Manager RICOH
Fiona Vives, ProductDesigner, Product Marketing Coordinator at Joolz
Mónica Vide, Mur&Partners
Ainhoa Gesto, Senior Quality Assurance Lead en HP. Lead STEM for Girls en HP
13:15 h TALK 5 NextGen EU
Albert Sorrosal, Financiación de Proyectos Europeos
Clara Lapiedra, CEO de Aula Magna Business School
13:40 h Maria Teixidor, abogada y empresaria
13:50 h Begoña Perdiguero, Startup Catalonia Manager en ACCIÓ
14:00 h Diana Ballart, CEO and Cofounder en The Smart Lollipop
14:10 h Clausura del Forum SWC
Presenta: Cristina Riba y Francesc Soler, periodistas
9:30 h Inauguración
Eva Diaz, CEO SWC
9:35 h Welcome
Laia Bonet, Tercera Teniente de Alcaldía Ajuntament de Barcelona
9:40 h TIC Women
Joana Barbany, General Director For Digital Society
1rst project
2nd project
3rd project
10:15 TALK 1 Competencias B2B
Oscar Torres, B2B Management Program Director Esade
Mercè Brey, Expert in Diversity and Leadership. Founder BLUE. Co-Founder + Diversity
10:45 TALK 2 Life in long aerospace missions
Gisela Detrell, Chief of Research of Life Supports Systems in the Institute os Space Systems, Stuttgart University
11:00 TALK 3 The challenging of the oceans
Marta Creus, Naval Architect and Maritime Engineer TRITON
11:15 h TALK 4 The future of the road
Leyre Olavarría, Gerente de Connected Infotainment & Interactive Cockpit SEAT
11:30 h BREAK
12:00h TALK 5 Fibracat TV. La televisión feminista y revolucionaria
Meritxell Bautista, Cofundadora de Fibracat y Presidenta de Fibracat TV
12:15h TALK 6 Innovation, Talent & Women
Guayente Sanmartin, Vicepresident & General Director HP
12:30 h TALK 7 50:50 target
Judith Palmés,Managing Director. Business Consulting. Customers and Services at Accenture
12:45h TALK 8: To be a STEM Women in
Joanna Prieto, Co-fundadora, Board Member de GeekGirlsLatAm.org
13:00h TALK 9 The Female Factor & the Power of Talk: Who Gets Heard and Why
Katharine D’Amico,PhD Candidate, Mentor, Professor at ESADE, CEO Swala Ventures
Natalia Latorre, President of Shell España
Albert Triola, Senior Vice President Support Renewal Sales EMEA – Country Leader Oracle Spain
Inma Priego, Labour relations and C&B Manager Ricoh
Fina Lladós, General Director Amgen
Roger Casellas, Industry Services Global VP Schneider Electric
Eva Fernández Santidrian, Director of Technology Innovation CaixaBank Tech
Laura Carnicero, Director HR Management de SEAT
Lectura del acta:
Susanna Carmona, DG Mútua dels Enginyers
Entrega de premios:
Esther Izquierdo, Presidenta Clúster de l’Energia Eficient de Catalunya
Llum Llosa, Comisión de Equidad, Tecnología y Futuro en Enginyers Industrials de Catalunya
Núria Salán, President at Catalan Society of Technology and Coordinator of the Gender Program of the UPC
14:35 h CLAUSURA
Helena Dalli, Commissioner of Equality of EU